Profile for starcatcher55

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mondo's Club or The Ranch

No. It's not, The Girl's Ranch, where Sandy and I would sleep at night in the Missouri rain as it pelted the old, tin roof, and the chickens clucked when a fox sniffed at the door to the hen house under our little beds. (See page 47 of my book, Dusty Angels and Old Diaries)

No. It's not a country club either. But it's a hiding spot for another one of Mondo's flourishing spread of geocaches near Denver, Colorado.

I was on my way home from Wendy's with a couple of their delicious baked potatoes for our lunch. I'm recovering from the flu, so cooking is not something I'm fussy about these days. As usual, I turned on the iPhone app for nearby geocaches, and found one right on the way home.

Pulling off the road and parking beside these signs, I quickly zeroed in on the bush to the left. Inside the thick green branches there dangled a small film canister with the usual tiny baglet and sign-in log.

The potatoes were still hot, and I was smiling. What more can one ask for?

Take Care on the Journey,

~Linda aka Starcatcher55

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