Profile for starcatcher55

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hobo Something

Yesterday I spent about four hours on the road going to a job interview for a RN House Supervisor position that I didn't want. But, it's a long story. Sometimes it's about politics...I went for that interview because I DO want an Assistant Director of Nursing (ADON) position that I applied for that is about five miles from home.

Not that I'm quitting my current job, but the charge nurse position is being eliminated, and my company is helping me find another RN job at a sister facility. (That's the long story part.)

So, on the way home, I 'looked' for geocaches in that part of town.  I wrote down the name on a piece of paper, but can't find the paper, so I'm naming this one Hobo because I think that was part of the name.  (Okay, I'm babbling...)

This is the first I've found that looks like this. 
Yep, it's a 'geo rock'!!!
So next time, trust my GPS!
The GPS said I was walking right past the cache when I took this picture.
But, of course, I didn't believe it.
I walked on and got two inches of mud on my shoes!

What looks slightly out of place?

Happy Geocaching!