Profile for starcatcher55

Monday, March 21, 2011

My Very First FTF - First to Find - 5.5 Miles From Home

There's that 55 again!

My geo email said there were two new geocaches hidden this weekend not too far from home. I figured that weekend geocachers had already been First to Find (FTF), but when I checked the website, there were no listings for any ambitious persons having already logged the finds!  So, I rushed to get dressed and dash to the site about 40 blocks toward Denver from where we live.

I thought I knew the area enough that I could drive straight there (a small local park) and turn on the GPS when I was at the park to locate the cache.  I didn't expect the main city street (Pecos Street) to hit a dead end.  Clicking on my iPhone app called Aroundme, I located a map of where I was sitting at the end of the street and calculated a workaround.

Geocaching doesn't include information such as what side of the fence to walk when it outlines the direct line to the hidden cache.  Of course, I chose the right side - which was not the right side!

Oh boy!  Which side should I start down?

Can you see it?  That dark spot in the center between the two fences...
I hope it's too early for snakes and such...
(I had seen the cache in the tree up close when I was on the hill on the OTHER side of the fence.
I had to walk back to the end of the fence and come around on the other side.)

I honestly couldn't figure out how to reach in and get this without getting my hands all scratched up.
I was also watching over my shoulder for other geocachers out to be FTF!!!!
There's suppose to be two tee shirts and some kid's toys inside. Along with the log book, of course.
Nope!. I'm all alone. The coast looks clear to be FTF!!!!

Got it open. A cute toy on top. (My geo purse with all my trinkets next to it.)
I added a red bead necklace to go with the white tee shirts I found nicely pressed and rolled up inside.
Oh! I WAS the first to sign the log book. March 21, 2011 at 12:25 p.m. Starcatcher55

The owner named this cache, "Sherrelwood Nameless". 
I would have called it, "Hold On To The Fence" 
It was a steep hill I had to climb to get out of there!

 Another geocacher pulls in as I'm leaving the site.
I said in greeting, "I'm not going to tell you which side of the fence it's on."

 Ha Ha Ha
Geocacher who calls himself Milestogeo is on the wrong side of the fence!!!
I didn't crop this photo so you can click on it for a close up view.
He is the blue dot in the very center of the photo. 
I pulled up beside him and said, "I did the very same thing." 
We hope to meet 'milestogeo' at another nameless geocache site sometime.

Take Care on the Journey,

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